Five Ways To… make VIPs feel like VIPs.

Brian Learst

QuintEvents is a travel experience provider for major sporting and cultural events, bringing behind-the-scenes access that fans and corporate groups cannot get anywhere else. So how to make sure the guests have an unforgettable experience and see the sport in its entirety? Brian Learst, CEO of the company, is here to give us five valuable tips on that.

1. Feel the sport

Formula 1 is unique in several ways – most importantly the exclusiveness and the international reach. We understand that a big challenge for Formula 1 fans is that, unlike basketball or football, kids don’t grow up competing in this sport. This is why we facilitate our guests seeing all aspects of the sport from the athletes’ perspective – the track, the pit crew, the paddock and the drivers – so that they truly feel a part of the spectacle.

2. Keep up with the trends

The “VIP expectation” is changing rapidly, and we enjoy being one step ahead of what our guests expect. “VIP” previously meant getting into a seating area that no one else could or having better food and beverage service. Now, it has developed into people wanting a VIP experience that is interactive and really immerses them into the sport in a way that the average fan doesn’t have access to. Engagement is a growing trend that we embrace with all of our programmes, and that will only increase in the future with ever-changing technology.

3. Educate the audience

A large aspect that we focus on is educating the fans. We are constantly pushing out informative content so that the fans who didn’t grow up watching Formula 1 can still go into the race understanding the sport, the teams, the drivers and the regulations. The more fans are educated on a sport, the more they feel connected and loyal to that sport. We also believe having additional Formula 1 races in the USA and having live coverage on a major network of all of these races would help build the popularity of the sport.

Previously ‘VIP’ just meant getting into a seating area that no one else could or having better food and beverage service.

4. Learn from other sectors

Leading up to large events like the Super Bowl, the leagues and teams promote the athletes on a personal level, letting fans into every aspect to their lives outside of the sport. If Formula 1 spectators were given a look into the personalities and childhood lives each of the drivers like they do with NFL or NBA players, they might feel a stronger connection and realise how young, talented, determined and loyal these athletes actually are.

5. Be inventive

Always keep looking for new ways to make your special guests feel special. It sounds simple, but it may be one of the most complex things in the process. Sure, keeping up with the trends and being one step ahead of your guests is important, yet from time to time you must show the spectators something completely different, fresh, exciting, something they have never seen before, and preparing for a thing like that takes a huge amount of work and effort.

Formula.Voyage is packed with essential information about every Formula 1 Grand Prix

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